1. Personal information

Enter your full street address, city and zipcode included.

Please tell us briefly about yourself.

Please attach a PDF or ZIP file of your curriculum vitae and samples of your work.

10 Megabytes maximum. Only ZIP and PDF files are accepted.

2. Project

If you'd like to include a dossier, or any other relevant information to complement your project description above, please upload a ZIP or PDF file here.

10 Megabytes maximum. Only ZIP and PDF files are accepted.

Describe the type of audience you're targeting and the intended impact.

3. Miscellaneous

At Open Earth Foundation (OEF) we like to give back to the community and are always looking for new ideas. Do you have any ideas of your own regarding community work/action that OEF could promote?

OEF is planning to build a platform to sell your art. Is that something that would be of interest to you?

If you'd like to highlight or clarify something about your proposal, please leave your comments here.

Read this before sending

If you have questions and need guidance, please contact Berta Corredor at [email protected].

Please note that the file(s) you attached —your CV + samples of your work and optionally your dossier— will be uploaded only when you submit the form, so please be patient, it might take a while depending on the size of the files and the speed of your Internet connection.

Click the send button below just once, and wait for the message Thank you, your application has been submitted, which confirms that the form was submitted without errors.